• Ätznatronflocken Natriumhydroxid

Ätznatronflocken Natriumhydroxid für Seife, Abflussreiniger, Metall

Boasting a melting point of 323 °C and a boiling point of 1,388 °C, the indispensable strong base widely utilized in industrial applications including soap production, drain cleaners, and metal processing.

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Formula: NaOH
Molar mass: 39.997 g/mol
IUPAC ID: Sodium hydroxide, Sodium oxidative
Density: 2.13 g/cm³
Soluble in: Water, Ethanol, Methanol
Melting point: 323 °C
Boiling point: 1,388 °C

Anfrage senden

Produktname: Caustic soda flake sodium hydroxide for soap,drain cleaners,metal
Produkt-URL: https://sourcesz.com/de/product/caustic-soda-flake-sodium-hydroxide-for-soapdrain-cleanersmetal/